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Case Results

A Family Of Attorneys Dedicated To Helping Your Family

Case Results

From The Largest Cases To The Smallest, We Get Results for People Just Like You

You can rest assured that our lawyers at the Packard Law Firm have been in the “big leagues” for a long time. They have worked on some of the most complex and challenging cases in the nation – cases that have settled for literally hundreds of millions of dollars. But not everyone, of course, has a multimillion-dollar case.

Yet we believe that, whether big or small, each case deserves the very best because, to the client, their case has become the most important case in the world.

For example, a person who needs Social Security Disability benefits may not have huge dollars at stake, but getting approved so they can receive health insurance and a monthly support check will radically alter the rest of their life. We understand this! Thus, we have provided some sample case results that reflect different kinds of cases: both large and small.

We also explain how we have made a real difference in the lives of all kinds of people with all kinds of cases – people like you.

  • $8.5 Million Jury Verdict Defective Plastic Baskets Caused Stacks of Bread to Fall

    The Packard Law Firm secured a $8,500,000 verdit for a bakery employee injured in a workplace accident involving defective baskets.

  • Confidential, 7-Figure Settlement 18-Wheeler Accident Resulting in Injury

    The Packard Law Firm secured a confidential, seven-figure settlement for a woman injured in an accident with an 18-wheeler truck.

  • Benefits Approved After Denial Social Security Disability

    The Packard Law Firm win a Disability hearing for a woman who was injured on the job.

  • Full Policy Amount Awarded Woman Injured By Uninsured Driver

    The Packard Law Firm secured the full policy amount for a client injured in an accident with an uninsured driver.

  • Benefits Expedited & Approved Social Security Disability

    The Packard Law Firm successfully expedited and secured Social Security Disability benefits for an injured woman.

  • Benefits Approved After Denial Social Security Disability

    The Packard Law Firm successful secured Social Security Disability benefits for a client after previous denials.