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Handling Cognitive Disability for Social Security Disability

A Family Of Attorneys Dedicated To Helping Your Family

This is one of the most psychologically devastating conditions we encounter when representing clients. It often leads to poor performance reviews and strained family relationships. It is quite unfortunate that we live in the world’s most advanced economy, with its most advanced medical technologies, and yet we still understand so little about the organ lying right between our two ears.

Whatever your exact diagnosis is, the challenge in building a strong case is struggling to remember to tell a doctor that you cannot remember specific things. Delays in treatment often occur because of this issue. 

Based on representing hundreds of clients with this condition, a strong case typically charts the following course:

  1. Symptoms: You need to tell all your doctors about specific situations that you are struggling with (e.g. paying bills timely, remembering directions to frequented locations without assistance, remembering to take other medications without another person helping you). Write these down before you see the doctor to help you remember!
  2. Referral: Establish care with a neurologist. Your primary care physician can refer you to one. 
  3. Ask the neurologist to order a CT-scan or MRI of the brain.
  4. Obtain neuropsychological testing.
  5. Symptoms: Mention the cognitive problems to all doctors, even doctors that don’t specialize in treating this specific problem.
  6. Medical Opinion: Ask the neurologist to complete a treating source statement (your Case Manager can send you a copy).

written by: Jacob Hugentobler, Hearing Attorney

Image Credit: Rachel Kimball, Your Brain: An Introduction to Its Anatomy, MGH MAPP, available at:

Johns Hopkins Medicine, Traumatic Brain Injury, available at:

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